

昭和58年 『第24回・唯是震一作品演奏会』童曲の歌で初舞台。
昭和60年 国立大劇場『中島雅楽之都七回忌追善演奏会』にて筝演奏初披露。
平成6年 大阪新歌舞伎座にて歌舞伎初舞台。(演目は澤瀉屋『黒塚』)
平成8年 邦楽の活動を休止し洋楽(作曲)の勉強に専念。
平成12年 邦楽に復帰。中島、唯是両師に再入門。
平成14年 「雅楽之一(うたのいち)」の名を受く。
平成16年 文化庁国内研修生。
平成18年 独奏曲『譚詩曲(Bllade)』(委嘱:中村雅之)を
平成21年 『奥田雅楽之一稽古場』を市ヶ谷亀岡八幡宮に開軒。
平成22年 舞踊曲『木花咲耶姫』http://youtu.be/ghA_upD8OQ8
 (委嘱・振り付け:梅津貴昶 歌詞:辻井喬 美術:朝倉摂)を
 「舞 梅津貴昶」(テアトル銀座)に於いて発表。
平成23年 メルマガnoichiの配信開始
平成24年 奥田雅楽之一事務所を千代田区一番町に開所

現在 (社)日本三曲協会、生田流協会会員。(公財)正派邦楽会、大師範。(公財)正派邦楽会評議員



Satoshi Okuda was born in Tokyo, in 1979.
He is the 4th generation heir to the great koto performer and composer, Utashito Nakashima.
Following in his great-grandfather’s footsteps, he began his formal training on the koto in 1985 under his grandmother, Yasuko Nakashima, who is the grandmaster teacher and the head of Ikuta-ryu Seiha. http://www.seihahogaku-kai.or.jp/
Satoshi continued his studies under his grandfather, Shinichi Yuize, who is the great composer and shamisen specialist, and he was awarded his Master's Certificate (shihan) in 2003.His interests in Japanese traditional music are eclectic, and that made him study various other instruments including the heike biwa,
In 2004, Satoshi received the prestigious Japanese Governments Scholarship to continue his studies in traditional Japanese music.
Satoshi has been performing actively throughout Japan as a soloist and in ensemble work with many leading traditional Japanese musicians in concerts and master classes.
He has also given concerts in several major cities in the United States and in Europe.There are a number of works composed by him, including his most recent and beautiful song, 'Konohanasakuyahime' (木花咲耶姫) for koto ensembles. http://youtu.be/ghA_upD8OQ8
He is highly expected his future to become a leader in the next generation of Japanese traditional music world.